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How Employee Referrals Can Transform Your Applicant Flow

One of the easiest and most powerful ways to increase the number of quality applicants applying to your job postings is through… employee referrals.

When small businesses hear about employee referral programs, they tend to immediately rule themselves out. They say things like…

“Our small company only has a few employees, so employee referral programs are a waste of time.”

I’m here to give you 4 reasons why an employee referral program is invaluable especially if you’re a small company.

1. Reach friends of friends.

A good employee referral program asks employees to post job boards on their social media pages. 

However, often employers don’t bother to ask because they assume that if their few employees don’t have a big social media presence, they won’t be able to reach very many applicants.

This is completely wrong!

Your employees’ social media accounts don’t just reach their best friends/family, they also reach not-so-close friends. 

Those not-so-close friends have their own network of best friends/family/not-so-close friends, and those do as well, and so on and so on. 

The point is…

Even if you only have 5 employees, by getting your employees to post your job listings on their social media pages, you’re accessing not 5-10 other possible candidates, but rather hundreds!

Big Dog companies have the funds to buy this kind of exposure in a way that Underdog companies can’t, however, this free, organic, friends-of-friends kind of promotion keeps you competitive.

2. Trust

If I’m looking to try out a new restaurant, I want to know whether the food is good. 

I can go to the restaurant’s website where they will tell me that the food is good, but I don’t trust them, because of course they’re going to tell me that! 

Instead, I am going to look up reviews on Yelp, or ask my friends if they have been there because just like everybody else, I trust the opinion of real human experience over business marketing.

This is the same when it comes to job applications!

Job applicants are more likely to apply for jobs when they are being recommended to them by a human that they trust.

A Facebook post where a current or past employee is recommending a job opening tops the best job ad on Indeed any day!

3. Reach currently employed candidates.

Using the employee referral feature gets your job in front of people who wouldn’t see it otherwise (aka the people not “looking” for jobs but who do go on Facebook).

The Big Dog companies can often dominate the most popular job sites like Indeed, but you can strategically reach candidates before they even get to Indeed by attracting them before they’re even looking for a new job!

4. Easy for Employers!

If you’re a small business, you may not have the resources to spend a bunch of time recruiting. 

Chances are you don’t have an HR department and you must find time to recruit on top of your normal job duties.

Creating a job board that your employees can share on their social media pages is the easiest way for employers to get their job posting out there. 

By doing this, your employees are doing the leg work for you (and the leg work is not much work at all!).

If you’re a small business and you haven’t started an employee referral program, you are missing out on the cheapest, easiest, and most effective way to increase your applicant flow. 

If you need help on how to create and manage your sharable job board, or have any other questions about employee referral programs, feel free to reach out to us!



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To filter out low-quality applicants and identify high-quality applicants you must find out what makes a person successful at the job and then screen for that.


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